Sunday, April 22, 2007

Trail Magic on Wayah Bald!


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,

This is Annie from the Anderson SC Hikers and Backpacker's Club. We met at Wayah Bald, NC when our club was doing Trail Magic (I was the youngest of the group). Anyway, just thought I would drop you and line and say hello. It was great meeting all of you and I hope that you are doing well. If you get a chance to drop me a line I would love to hear how you are doing and will definately report back to the club. I am also planning to follow the websites for those of you who have them. Have a wonderful day and happy hiking! -Annie

Tony Bedsole said...


I had the pleasure of hiking with Mark and Sean for sveral days on the AT. We stayed at the Holiday Inn Express in Hawassee and at several shelters. I am a Urologist in Birmingham and therefore had a few things in common with the Lenas. I got off the trail in Franklin( had to go back to work ) and wish the best for these two fine men. I will enjoy following their blog.

Tony Bedsole

Scott said...

What is Trail Magic??

Sean said...

Trail magic was the Anderson SC Backpacking club's barbeque at the top of Wayah Bald.